Wednesday 20 November 2013

Career-realted article: Wines of Chile

The wines of Chile began imported grapes clones in XIX century with the aim of producing wines of great quality, with a clear focus on the development of its soils. 

The first premium grape arrived to the Maipo Valley is within the Metropolitan Region of Santiago. Its soils are alluvial in origin, rich in minerals, have a franco-silt-clay texture and good permeability. The climate is stable, with warm, dry summers and short, mild winters. Its geographic location allows it to produce wines with different degrees of fruitiness, aroma, and color.

It is a region that stands out for producing Cabernet Sauvignon with great character. This area was a pioneer in the country’s vitivinicultural development and therefore has expanded significantly to include a broad variety of grapes. Summarizing, this valley is the one with the greatest wine producing tradition in Chile and is the most famous worldwide

Eventually led to new regions, for example Casablanca, Leyda, San Antonio, Aconcagua, Colchagua, Cachapoal, Elqui, LimarĂ­, Maule, Bio- Bio Valleys. Together they help to devolopment wines as diverse as Chile´s, you can be sure that the geography will have amaizing variation.

1 comment:

  1. i cant explain why but i hate the wine.. is ironic coming from a country that exports the finest wines ajajja
