Tuesday 5 November 2013

A Biography Small

My name is Gabriel González. I’m 25 years. I am Chilean. I was born on September 16 in 1988. I have lived  in different  place but always in Santiago city. I study the carreer of Geography in the University of Chile, i am currently  in my fifth year. The carreer is funny and exhausted but i think  is very normal.

My parents are Gustavo González and Estrella Pizarro. My father  and  mother are retired. I have two sisters they are called Rocío and Carola they are 45 and 38 years old. I have a lot of friends they are called Andrés, Cristobal, Andrea Echague, Andrea Moreno and George. I think they are funny and friendly.

I usually sleep and study in my free time. My hobbies are listening to the  new folcklore music for example  Camila Moreno and GEPE. How often i go to university in bicycling because it makes me feel happy. My favorite  is a mediterranean food specially the fish, vegetables and fruits it is delicious. I like TV, specially “The Big Bang Theory” because it is funny and interesting. I practice swimming in the university pool . 

I don't like the people abuse, the intolerance, the racial hate and the homophobia

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