Monday 29 July 2013

A Little kid

My favourite childhood memory,  i went to our montain house with my family. It´s a small house in a village looking at the lake. we often went in the summer, especially in the hollidays. it was a place with tall trees, weather is nice, with fresh air and bright sunshine. in short words a beautiful place.

We was all together at the table and eating apple pie always. My mother is the best cook.  I suppose my favourite food is Lasagna, because it is "memories" to me - it is therefore my child food. But i also like a number of other food, including charquican, pastel de choclo, humitas, leche asada and mote con huesillos. I like food, I'm also a decent cook.

When i was at lake i went with my friends to play weatherpolo its was really bad though, because our team were the worst team ever. we hardly ever won and once we lost 12-0 and the referee stopped the game ten minutes early. After that game  i broke my arm. i´ve never been skiing since. Now think "funny memories".

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