Tuesday 30 July 2013

A Little BlogSpot

This is my end post, a semester with high and low. I was in the protest but did not agree with the "paros" i think the other forms for development to education. However i was very intersting in blogging experience. Sometimes  it was very difficult to talk about personal experience but i know that is more fluid. 

I did write at university. I really enjoyed it.The english lenguage it was a very interesting subject to study. Often i get very tired  because i tell my friends about the new post  and they say any ideas for writing. I really like watching my growth in the skills to learn. 

In the future i would like to write about music, political geography, natural medicine and wine world.  

In geography career its very frequent go to "terrenos" I suggest the english class go to a tour bilingual for example civic center, museum or simply to visit a valparaiso city or the best idea a vineyard.
Finaly i would like to listen to a song the beatles and work those skills with music. The beatles its my favourite british band, i think that revolutionized the music industry. They have song  of all time.

Thank you for your visit, I see you.

Monday 29 July 2013

A Little kid

My favourite childhood memory,  i went to our montain house with my family. It´s a small house in a village looking at the lake. we often went in the summer, especially in the hollidays. it was a place with tall trees, weather is nice, with fresh air and bright sunshine. in short words a beautiful place.

We was all together at the table and eating apple pie always. My mother is the best cook.  I suppose my favourite food is Lasagna, because it is "memories" to me - it is therefore my child food. But i also like a number of other food, including charquican, pastel de choclo, humitas, leche asada and mote con huesillos. I like food, I'm also a decent cook.

When i was at lake i went with my friends to play weatherpolo its was really bad though, because our team were the worst team ever. we hardly ever won and once we lost 12-0 and the referee stopped the game ten minutes early. After that game  i broke my arm. i´ve never been skiing since. Now think "funny memories".

 A Little Pet

My favourite pet in my life is a little dog. Her name is Luna and have is 5 years old, her colour is  white and her colour of eyes is brown. I like to play with me .I feed Luna some pellets food and water.  I take Luna for a walk and usually we go back home afterwards.  The dog likes to play by scratching its favourite toy which is a small tree branch. I also like to play with the dog when I have some free time. My dog likes to run out in our garden all by itself. 

However i dont consider an animal lover but is very important caring responsible for a pet. I really like this phrase "We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals".

When was a child in the house my uncle i had a dog his name is Ziko. He is brown and white. He has long brown ears. He likes to eat bones and meat. He lives in his dog house. He likes to run in the fields but he died a few months later, I was very sad.

I dont think the best pet, because the most important is the love and care. Never mind  it is a dog, cat, rabbit, bird, etc etc. 

My bestfriends had  an unusual pet with unusual name, its a ferret. Is that so because once the moody professor ( movie: Harry Potter) transformed  malfoy a ferret.

Monday 22 July 2013

A Little Personal Computer (PC) 

The development of personal computer and general tecnologys  during the last decade of the 20th century has had an important influence in our lives. It has revolutionised the way of working, learning and communicating. But what has changed our little life the most is definitely the nootbook. The main advantage of nootbook is probably that it gives mobility  of place in place. 
I has my first laptop was in the university,  I usually use my computer to find out what my friends are up to principally in Facebook,  to watch things on Youtube,  to send e-mails and finally to look for information in the websites, to find material for my homeworks. For my its a very important tool that using every day.
I like my  laptop because  I can play, work, study, read and listen to music. i give access to the information more quickly and easily. The nootbooks improves the lives of who have new challenges. 
On the other hand, there are disadvantages. People have to learn new skills since the world of university, work and  life has changed.