Monday 8 April 2013

A Usual Life

Hello Cyber people and welcome to my first post. Today i talk about a usual life but very funny.

My cyber name is "gabomagno". I was born in Santiago, Chile, and grew up in Santiago, in the Kennedy neighbourhood. I started kindergarden in the public school. My little school have a long name is"Doctor Luis Amador Negme Rodriguez" but to students was simply "the college". Then i change a catholic school where concluded my studies. As a result of that, I study Geography in the Universidad de Chile.

I´m a little family only my mother and two sister. My mom have 68 years old this retired. My sister Rocío have 45 years old and works in a school in Til Til. She´s a teacher. Rocío live in Til Til . My sister Carola have 39 years old and works in a visual clinic in Vitacura. She´s a medical technologist.

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