Monday 29 April 2013

Environmental Assessment Service

This is opportunity i talked about the website of a office of environment ministry. All the proyect are sorted by division administrative political (region). The best important of website, is the big information about the diferent industry in Chile for example in Mining "yamana gold", in energy "HidroAysen", in transport the subway extention in the other. Also it´s easy find the items about citizen participation, permits and authorizations. Another important it´s the news on the environment.

i visit whit regularity the website for the diferents homeworks to develop in the university. I liked because he made very simply search te diferents proyects, has a potent toolbar.

my mates say "it´s a clear website" or "it´s a slow website" or "it´s a unstable website" etc. In the persoal i think it is very slow, should improve your speed. 

But the what  most appreciate it´s the transparency of the diferent proyect.

Monday 15 April 2013

A Diferent Happy Birthday

I was celebrating my happy birtday number seventeen when my present arrived. The wonders of life, a ticket VIP to the concert of MOBY. I was very happy. During 1 week i was listening the play list to the concert. I  was preparing  the best experience of my life.

That nigth we received in Espacio Riesco (Santiago City) whith a glass of sparkling wine, in the lounge. My first experience VIP. The wonder of it was that i was whit many journalists. 

At 10 o´clock began the concert, during two hours my favorite singer was the best. The hits sound one after another.

Monday 8 April 2013

A Usual Life

Hello Cyber people and welcome to my first post. Today i talk about a usual life but very funny.

My cyber name is "gabomagno". I was born in Santiago, Chile, and grew up in Santiago, in the Kennedy neighbourhood. I started kindergarden in the public school. My little school have a long name is"Doctor Luis Amador Negme Rodriguez" but to students was simply "the college". Then i change a catholic school where concluded my studies. As a result of that, I study Geography in the Universidad de Chile.

I´m a little family only my mother and two sister. My mom have 68 years old this retired. My sister Rocío have 45 years old and works in a school in Til Til. She´s a teacher. Rocío live in Til Til . My sister Carola have 39 years old and works in a visual clinic in Vitacura. She´s a medical technologist.