Sunday 8 December 2013

A Little Change

The Sustainability in Chile, is  a big word these days, but what exactly does it mean? Sustainability means meeting your current needs without having a negative impact on the needs of future generations. It also requires you to make with conscious  about the way you live. My family, my friends, my university partners are not really familiar with recycling and less with environmental care. But fortunately, there are some measures you can take to make in our  lives more sustainable.

The most basic thing you can do to make your garden  more sustainable is to start a compost pile. All you need to get started is some organic residues, for example peel bananas, tomatoes, potatoes, etc. Also take your dead leaves and start working. Over time add residues of vegetable, coffee and egg shells. After you will have a beautiful and  rich soil that's perfect for planting in the garden. You can also plant trees around your home when they lose their leaves in the winter, they'll let in more light. 

Also is  the reduce, reuse, recycle triangle. In the personal i think that reusing items is much better  for the environment. For example, you can repair broken tools and table broken of throwing them away. It's amazing what you can do with creativity. The paper, file folders and plastic bags  are all items that are easy to store for reuse and usually have a much longer life.  

a better world, starts with small ideas